Specific Pathways
Success together; success for our futures.
At Mana College, we offer a number of “specialised” pathways to support students in specific areas of study.
Services Academy
We are fortunate to have this full-time course at our College. It caters to up to 20 students ranging in age from 16 years to beyond 19 years. It is ideally suited for students who want to enter the New Zealand Defence Force or similar occupations. It also offers students the opportunity to engage with and grow in a climate that instills personal discipline and high regard for others. Students will develop both teamwork and leadership skills, and a determination to master physical and mental challenges, preparing them for an independent thinking future. Please be aware that places are limited.
E Tipu E Rea
E Tipu E Rea offers students who are committed to both the Te Reo and their Māori identity, the opportunity to succeed as Māori in all fields of study. This teaching and learning environment run from Year 9 to Year 13. To be part of this programme, students and Whānau need to be committed to the kaupapa and students need to be prepared to remain at Mana College until the completion of Year 13. This is not an immersion programme but as close as a mainstream school can get to a bi-lingual setting. Mana College’s goal is to staff E Tipu E Rea courses with Māori role models.
Entry to this opportunity is by an interview with our Kaiako.
Te Whare Ako
Te Whare Ako is a group of ORS-funded students. They are at the heart of Mana College and contribute to the wholeness of our school community. Coming from a variety of ethnicities and cultures and a range of aptitudes they look out for each other.
The students in Te Whare Ako have the choice of being fully or partially mainstreamed or taught in a closed environment. Every student will be on a pathway leading to an opportunity for NCEA certification. Te Whare Ako is a well-resourced and fully staffed unit.
Construction School
The construction school is a creative and forward-thinking approach to the provision of responsive vocational pathways. Connecting with the government’s housing regeneration plan, the Porirua Workforce strategy, and the growing need for qualified builders in this community, the construction school provides students with real-life building experiences along with BCAT qualifications at Levels 2 and 3.
Currently, we have two classes running (one at year 12 and one at year 13) with each class building a 3 bedroom house from the foundations up. The houses are taken away at the end of the year and sold. Ambitiously, we aim to build up to five houses per year in the future using the construction school as a local building hub for secondary school students. Ultimately, we want local rangatahi building houses for local people.