Our Facilities
Mana College is bursting with energy and innovation in finding new and better ways to teach and learn
Students have access to the marae, medical room, science laboratories, music suite, hall with motorised screen and projector and the Hauora Team who support and focus on the wellbeing of the students and whānau. We have a modern Gym with the latest weight gear, sound system, scoreboard, and a mezzanine floor. Our site is positioned conveniently near the local business hub.
Special Support
Te Whare Ako provides a safe, supportive and challenging environment for ORS funded students. While developing the full potential of every student it also works to enable them to live a full life in the community. Alongside the normal curriculum, students attending Te Whare Ako are also encouraged to participate in the full range of mainstream activities such as sports, music, cultural groups and assemblies and are fully included in the whole school whānau system. The staff also works in collaboration with a number of outside agencies and have access to a number of specialists (eg Speech , Physio, Music and Occupational Therapists) through the Ministry of Education.
A specialist ESOL support teacher is available to offer advice and additional support to students and staff.
Additional learning support is available for identified mainstream students through RTLB and learning support services.
School Medical Clinic
This is open from 9 am to 2 pm daily. Our nurse is available during these hours. We also have a doctor’s clinic once a week, every Thursday. You can put your name down for an appointment with the doctor at the school office or just drop in on the day.
A physio is available at the clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 12 pm. Appointments to see him can be made through the office.
Our Marae
Mana College has its own marae complex, complete with teaching classrooms, kitchen and wharenui. Students who wish to learn Te Reo Māori, Tikanga-a-Iwi, Nga Toi Māori on a marae have the opportunity to become members of the E Tipu E Rea unit. However, Te Reo Māori is also offered to all students in the mainstream at junior and senior levels.
Staff are motivated and qualified.
Computer Suites/ICT
There are three computer rooms including a dedicated Digital Media and Photography room. Also, for all curriculum areas there are netbooks available to support learning in classrooms.