About Us
Success together; success for our futures.
Mana College was established in 1957 as the first college in the Porirua Basin. It is a state, co-educational school from Year 9-13. Mana College participates in Gateway, and also encourages adult students. The roll currently comprises 63% Māori, 20% Pasifika, and 15% New Zealand European.
Mana College is situated in Takapuwahia, and draws primarily from Titahi Bay, Elsdon, Ranui Heights, Porirua City Centre and parts of Porirua East, although students from other areas are welcome to enrol. The College benefits from the effects of the ocean and the harbour and is in the heart of the Ngati Toa runanga. The college is well supported by local iwi.
The local community is characterised by ethnic harmony, strong sporting involvement, noticeable influence from churches and secular groups and a strong sense of identity and resilience.
We offer a safe and caring environment.
Our Whakapapa
Supportive and inclusive community
The college is proud of its distinctive multi-ethnic composition and its capacity to cater for the full range of student abilities. It is a supportive and inclusive community where students, staff and parents work together to create an environment where everyone is valued and each student is challenged. We know our motto ‘Akona Te Mahi Pai’ – Learn to work well and enjoy its challenge.
The college provides a balanced choice of curriculum intended to meet the needs of the modern world. It is based on core skills and competencies that establish a firm foundation for all students allowing them to move on to employment, further education or vocational training. We work hard to foster inquiry, high expectations and an interest in learning amongst our students. We also provide a range of sporting, cultural and recreational opportunities. These opportunities involve staff, family and our community because we believe education is more than just academic success.
The college offers a safe, caring environment which encourages self-management and respect for the rights of others. We have a long standing well understood commitment to Māori success through our E Tipu e Rea programme, Te Reo Māori, me ona tikanga and the promotion of whānaungatanga.