Principal’s Message

Mana College is a small school with big plans!

Welcome, Tena koutou, Talofa lava, Fakalofalahi atu, Kia orana, Taloha ni, Malo e leilei and Warm pacific greetings to you all!

Our school and our people

‘Towards Flourishing’

We are delighted to welcome you to our school website. The school name and motto ‘Akona te mahi pai’ was gifted by Ngati Toa.

Ka huri te kei o te waka

Ki te pae tawhiti

Kia hoe ngātahi ki te pae tata

Ki te whai ao to ao māmara

The waka turns towards the distant horizon

Let us make headway and paddle as one

Through the glimmer of dawn to the break of day

Jeff Chapman - Principal

Mana with Mana

Our vision for ‘flourishing’ is one where ākonga deepen their knowledge and understanding of themselves, and use the local curriculum as a platform for learning, progress and academic success.

We believe that education is a process where young people use their identity to take action, to build connections and find solutions to local and global problems in a complex and challenging world. Mana College produces leaders, contributors and activators for our positive future.

At the center of our heartbeat is the aroha and manaaki we show for each young person, their whānau, and our staff.

Our school continues to thrive, our academic programmes and achievement accelerates and our young people flourish in a wide range of academic, sporting, cultural and artistic and life endeavors.

Our vision and school strategic plan acknowledge the critical factors for student achievement in secondary school including:

  • High expectations

  • Demonstrating pride

  • Meaningful achievement ASPIRE

  • Clear and purposeful pathways

Mana College commits to four principles:

  • Students arrive eager to learn in our safe place

  • There are no walls at Mana College only open doors and opportunities
  • Whānau look forward to their future
  • Students are confident they can and will learn so they become whatever they want to be